- Eseryel, U. Y. (Submitted) Information Technology Self-Leadership, Americas Conference for Information Systems (AMCIS), Chicago, USA.
- Eseryel, U. Y. (Submitted) Structuring for innovation: How virtual teams can adopt open source practices, Americas Conference for Information Systems (AMCIS), Chicago, USA
- Van Offenbeek, M. A. G., Boonstra, A., Eseryel, U. Y. (2013) The dynamic interplay among institutional logics influencing hospital IT governance, The European Conference in Information Systems (ECIS), Utrecht, Netherlands.
- Eseryel, U. Y., Pelok, Z., Van Uitert, J. H. (2012). Sounds like a misnomer? On the role of formal and informal leaders in self-managing virtual teams. Paper presented at the Mediterranean Conference on Information Systems (MCIS 2012), Guimaraes, Portugal.
- Eseryel, U. Y., Seo, D., Tan, C. W. (2011). Opinion leadership with social media. Paper presented at the International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP) Wroking Group 8.2 on Information Systems in Organizations - Organization and Society Information Systems (OASIS) Workshop, Shanghai, China.
- Eseryel, U.Y. (2010). Probing the Relationships between Team Technology, Leadership Behaviors and Team Performance, Proceedings of IFIP 8.2/Organizations and Society in Information Systems (OASIS) . Sprouts: Working Papers on Information Systems, 10(98).
- Eseryel, U. Y. (2009, Dec). Leadership in a non-traditional setting: Self-managing virtual IS development teams Proceedings the Twenty Ninth International Conference on Information Systems, Phoenix, Arizona.
- Eseryel, U. Y. (2009, June). Leadership in Apache FLOSS teams, Proceedings of the OSS 2009 Doctoral Consortium, (pp. 109-121)
- Li, Q., Heckman, R., Allen, E., Crowston, K., Eseryel, U. Y., Howison, J., Wiggins, A. (2008, Nov). Asynchronous Decision Making in Distributed Teams. Poster session presented at the Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW08), San Diego, California.
- Crowston, K., Heckman, R., Misiolek, N., & Eseryel, U. Y. (2007, Nov). Emergent leadership in self-organizing virtual teams. Poster presented at the Twenty Eighth International Conference on Information Systems, Montreal, Canada. [Acceptance Rate:13%]
- Scozzi, B., Crowston, K., Eseryel, U. Y., & Li, Q. (2008, Jan). Shared mental models among open source software developers. Paper presented at the 41st Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS).
- Heckman, R., Crowston, K., Eseryel, U. Y., Howison, J., Allen, E., & Li, Q. (2007, June). Emergent decision- making practices in Free/libre open source software (FLOSS) development teams. Paper presented at the Third International Conference on Open Source Systems (IFIP WG 2.13 Working Conference), Limerick, Ireland. [Acceptance Rate:19%]
- Eseryel, U. Y. (2007, May). Mental models and leadership in FLOSS development work practices. Paper presented at the 2007 Open Source Open Ideas Workshop, Bari, Italy.
- Heckman, R., Crowston, K., Li, Q., Allen, E., Eseryel, U. Y., Howison, J., et al. (2006, Dec). Emergent decision-making practices in technology-supported self-organizing distributed teams. Paper presented at the International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), Milwaukee. [Acceptance Rate: 11%]
- Eseryel, U. Y. (2006, Oct). From face-to-face to distributed collaboration: Sticking together to succeed. Paper presented at the I-School Conference Doctoral Colloquium, Ann Harbor, MI.
- Eseryel, U. Y. (2006, June). Knowledge creation & transfer in global virtual teams: Lessons learned from open source software development. Paper presented at the Global Information Technology Management Association (GITMA) Doctoral Consortium, Orlando, FL.
- Wei, K., Osterlund, C. (2006, June). A structurational approach for studying knowledge sharing process in virtual teams. Paper presented by U. Yeliz Eseryel at the Global Information Technology Management Association (GITMA) Conference, Orlando, FL.
- Ho, S. M., & Eseryel, U. Y. (2006, May). Monitoring-based coordinated defense through the lens of the coordination theory. Paper presented at the 2006 Information Resources Management Association (IRMA) International Conference, Information Security Management Track, Washington, DC.
- Crowston, K., Wei, K., Li, Q., Eseryel, U. Y., & Howison, J. (2005, Dec). Coordination of free/libre open source software development. Paper presented at the International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), Las Vegas, NV. (Acceptance Rate: 13.8%)
- Eseryel, U. Y. (2005, Dec). Knowledge creation and transfer in open source software development teams. Paper presented at the International Federation For Information Processing (IFIP WG 8.2), Organizations and Society in Information Systems (OASIS) 2005 Workshop, Las Vegas, NV.
- Zhang, P., & Eseryel, U. Y. (2005, July). Task in HCI research in the management information systems (MIS) literature: A critical survey. Paper presented at the 11th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (HCII), Las Vegas, NV.
- Crowston, K., Howiston, J., Masango, C., & Eseryel, U. Y. (2005, August). Face-to-face interactions in self- organizing distributed teams. Paper presented at the Academy of Management, Honolulu, HI.
- Crowston, K., & Eseryel, U. Y. (2005). An exploratory study of factors related to effectiveness of free/libre open source software teams. Paper presented at the 2005 Open Source Software International Symposium. Padua, Italy.
- Eseryel, U. Y., Eseryel, D. (2002, November). Electronic and Information Technology Accessibility. Paper presented at 2002 Association for Educational Communications and Technology (AECT) International Conference, Dallas, TX.
- Eseryel, U. Y., Eseryel, D. (2002, November). Evaluation of Accessibility Tools for Electronic And Information Technology. Paper presented at 2002 Association for Educational Communications and Technology (AECT) International Conference, Dallas, TX.
- Eseryel, U. Y., Demirtas, M. (2001, May) Electronic Commerce Paper presented at the Electronic Business Conference, Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey.
- Eseryel, U. Y., Demirtas, M., Kumsal, I. (2000, June). Paper presented at Electronic Commerce and the New Economy Conference, Yeditepe University, Istanbul, Turkey.
- Eseryel, U. Y., Demirtas, M. Kumsal, I. (2000, May). Electronic Commerce and A National E-Commerce Model for Turkey. Paper presented at International Conference on Management Sciences, Istanbul Technical University, Istanbul, Turkey.
- Eseryel, U. Y., (1999, September). The Effect of Research and Development on Competitive Advantage of Turkey and Other Countries. Paper presented at Foreign Trade Congress of the Republic of Turkey, Undersecreteriat of Foreign Trade, Ankara, Turkey.
- Eseryel, U. Y., (1995, April). Morphological, Immunological and Cytochemical Approaches in Acute Leukemia’s Diagnosis: Results of a 9-month study on 40 Leukemia patients at the Pediatric HematologyPolyclinic of Hacettepe Hospital. Paper presented at 4th Research Project Contest for High School Students, Istanbul, Turkey.
- January, 2011 Projectmanagement (in Dutch) Invited by Dr. Albert Boonstra and Simon Sibum for the undergraduate course of Informatiemanagement, University of Groningen, Groningen, the Netherlands.
- November, 2010 Global Leadership Invited by Aarhus School of Business, Aarhus University, Aarhus, Denmark
- July, 2010 Leading Virtual Software Development teams Invited by ,Department of Business Administration, Bilkent University, Ankara, Turkey
- October, 2009 IS Implementation and Organizational Culture Invited by Dr. DongBack Seo for the undergraduate course of Information Systems, University of Groningen, Groningen, the Netherlands.
- April, 2009 Project Manage Your Ph.D. Invited by Dr. Ping Zhang for IST 810 Doctoral Seminar to participate in a panel with Dr. Derrick Cogburn and Dr. Joon Park on Time Management during the Ph.D. program, Syracuse University School of Information Studies, Syracuse, NY.
- Eseryel, U. Y. (2008). Leadership Dynamics in Open Source Software Development Teams. Invited presentation at the 2nd Open Source Software Conference, TOBB Economy and Technology University, Ankara, Turkey.
- Eseryel, U. Y. (2007). Introducing FLOSS Research at Syracuse University, Middle East Technical University Open Source Research Workshop, Ankara, Turkey.
- October, 2007 Introduction to ERP Session organized by a student organization based on demand by master’s students at Syracuse University.
- Jan, 2007 Enterprise Architecture & Enterprise Resource Planning Invited by the Association of Enterprise Architects (a|EA) to be a guest speaker at their Washington, DC chapter meeting.
- Nov, 2006 System Implementation Invited by Dr. Kevin Crowston for IST 352 Information Analysis of Organizational Systems course (undergraduate level), Syracuse University School of Information Studies, Syracuse, NY.
- Oct, 2006 Basics of ERP Systems Invited by Dr. Robert Heckman for IST 621 Introduction to IRM: Concepts, Contexts and Career Options course (master’s level), Syracuse University School of Information Studies, Syracuse, NY.
- Nov, 2005 Usage of Enterprise Architecture for ERP Implementations Invited by Dr. Scott Bernard for IST 710 Enterprise Architecture course (executive master’s level) at Syracuse University Greenberg House, Washington, DC.
- Nov, 2004 Database Management, Relevant IT Issues and IT Careers Invited by Dr. David Dischiave for two sections of IST 659 Data Administration Concepts and Database Management course (master’s level), Syracuse University School of Information Studies, Syracuse, NY.
- Nov, 2004 Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Implementation Challenges Invited by Dr. Robert Heckman for IST 621 Introduction to IRM: Concepts, Contexts and Career Options course (master’s level), Syracuse University School of Information Studies, Syracuse, NY.
- March 2004 ERP Implementation Overview for CIO’s and Information/Project Managers Invited by Dr. Robert Heckman for IST 621 Introduction to IRM: Concepts, Contexts and Career Options course (master’s level), Syracuse University School of Information Studies, Syracuse, NY.