“There is nothing to writing. All you do is sit down at a typewriter and bleed. There is no rule on how to write. Sometimes it comes easily and perfectly; sometimes it's like drilling rock and then blasting it out with charges... We are all apprentices in a craft where no one ever becomes a master.”
Ernest Hemingway |
Düzenlemek için buraya
- Eseryel, U. Y., & Eseryel, D. (2013). Action-embedded transformational leadership in self-managing global information technology teams. Journal of Strategic Information Systems, 22(2), 103-120. [View ARTICLE]
- Eseryel, U. Y. (Under review). Open leadership: Dynamic leadership for open models of production. Information Systems Research. [View ABSTRACT]
- Eseryel, U. Y. (Under review). The role of information and communication technologies in enabling open innovation at open source software teams. Journal of the Association for Information Systems. [View ABSTRACT]
- Nicholson, S., Sierra, T., Eseryel, U. Y., Park, J., Barkow, P., Pozo, E., & Ward, J. (2006). How much of it is real? Analysis of paid placement in Web search engine results. Journal for the American Society of Information Science and Technology (JASIST), 57(4). 448-461. (SI factor: 2.1) [View ARTICLE]
- Eseryel, U. Y., & Wolf, N. (2005). Enterprise architecture as a context for ERP implementation. Journal of Enterprise Architecture, 1(2). 7-24. [View ARTICLE]
- Wei, K., Crowston, K., Li, N, Eseryel, U. Y. (Under Preparation) Group Maintenance in Open Source Software Teams.
- Dolfsma, W., van der Eijk, R., & Eseryel, U. Y. (Under Preparation). Strategizing with customer information on electronic markets: Who gains?
- Eseryel, D., Eseryel, U. Y., & Edmonds, G. S. (2005). Knowledge management and knowledge management systems. In M. D. Lytras & A. Naeve (Eds.), Intelligent learning infrastructures for knowledge intensive organizations: A semantic web perspective: (pp 105-145) Hershey, PA: IDEA Group Publishing.
- Eseryel, U. Y. & Eseryel, D. (2004). Project management for information technology accessibility initiatives. In M. Orey, M. A. Fitzgerald, & R. M. Branch (Eds.), Educational technology and media yearbook 2004 (Vol.29, pp.61-74). Westport, CT: Libraries Unlimited.
- Eseryel, U. Y. (2013) Information Technology Self-Leadership, Americas Conference for Information Systems (AMCIS), Chicago, USA.
- Eseryel, U. Y. (2013) Structuring for innovation: How virtual teams can adopt open source practices, Americas Conference for Information Systems (AMCIS), Chicago, USA
- Van Offenbeek, M. A. G., Boonstra, A., Eseryel, U. Y. (2013) The dynamic interplay among institutional logics influencing hospital IT governance, The European Conference in Information Systems, Utrecht, Netherlands.
- Eseryel, U. Y., Peloc, Z. van Uitert, J. H. (2013) Sounds like a misnomer? On the role of formal and informal leaders in self-managing virtual teams. Proceedings of the Mediterranean Conference on Information Systems, (pp. 1-1), Portugal.
- Eseryel, U. Y., Seo, D., & Tan, C. W. (2012). How does a blog become popular: A Behavioral Approach. Proceedings of the ITAM Conference, Istanbul, Turkey.
- Eseryel, U. Y., Pelok, Z., Van Uitert, J. H. (2012). Sounds like a misnomer? On the role of formal and informal leaders in self-managing virtual teams. Paper presented at the Mediterranean Conference on Information Systems (MCIS 2012), Guimaraes, Portugal.
- Eseryel, U. Y., Seo, D., Tan, C. W. (2011). Opinion leadership with social media. Paper presented at the International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP) Working Group 8.2 on Information Systems in Organizations - Organization and Society Information Systems (OASIS) Workshop, Shanghai, China.
- Eseryel, U.Y. (2010). Probing the Relationships between Team Technology, Leadership Behaviors and Team Performance, Proceedings of IFIP 8.2/Organizations and Society in Information Systems (OASIS) Sprouts: Working Papers on Information Systems, 10(98).
- Eseryel, U. Y. (2009, June). Leadership in Apache FLOSS teams, Proceedings of the OSS 2009 Doctoral Consortium, (pp. 109-121)
- Scozzi, B., Crowston, K., Eseryel, U. Y., & Li, Q. (2008). Shared mental models among open source software developers. Proceedings of the 41st Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS 2008), (pp. 306-316).
- Li, Q., Heckman, R., Crowston, K., Howison, J., Allen, E., and Eseryel, U. Y. (2008) "Decision Making Paths in Self-Organizing Technology-Mediated Distributed Teams". ICIS 2008 Proceedings. Paper 99.
- Heckman, R., Crowston, K., Eseryel, U. Y., Howison, J., Allen, E., & Li, Q. (2007). Emergent decision-making practices in Free/libre open source software (FLOSS) development teams. Open Source Development, Adoption and Innovation (Vol. 234/2007, pp. 71-84). Limerick, Ireland: Springer Boston.
- Ho, S. M. & Eseryel, U. Y. (2006). Monitoring-based coordinated defense the lens of the coordination theory. In M. Khosrow-Pour (Ed.), Proceedings of International Conference of Resource Management Association (IRMA 2006), Hershey, PA.
- Eseryel, U. Y. (2006). Knowledge creation & transfer in global virtual teams: Lessons learned from open source software development, Proceedings of the Global Information Technology Management Association (GITMA) Conference. Orlando, FL: GITMA.
- Zhang, P., & Eseryel, U. Y. (2005). Task in HCI research in the management information systems (MIS) literature: A critical survey. Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (HCII), Las Vegas, NV.
- Crowston, K., Wei, K., Li, Q., Eseryel, U.Y. & Howison, J. (2005), "Coordination of Free/Libre Open Source Software Development" ICIS 2005 Proceedings. Paper 16.
- Crowston, K., & Eseryel, U. Y. (2005). An exploratory study of factors related to effectiveness of free/libre open source software teams. In Proceedings of the 2005 Open Source Software International Symposium, Padua, Italy.
- Eseryel, U. Y. (2002, October). Accessibility Challenge to U.S. Government's Information Technology Initiatives. In G. Richards (Ed.), Proceedings of E-LEARN 2002:World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, & Higher Education. Montreal, Canada: Association for Educational Communications and Technology (AECT).
- Eseryel, U. Y., (1995). Morphological, Immunological and Cytochemical Approaches in Acute Leukemia’s Diagnosis. 4th Research Project Contest for High School Students: Summaries of Exhibited Projects, May, Istanbul, Turkey: MEF.
- Eseryel, U. Y., N. Gross, et al. (2000). "Case Study: Knowledge Management at Carpet Village." Retrieved January 29, 2006, from
- Wigand, R., Siow, J., Lakshminarayan, K., Bhaskar, M., Eseryel, U.Y., Fang, J., Ghadiali, Y., Gupta, P., Khanna, T., Osipenko, L., Ranga, P.M. (2001) An Analysis of the Emerging Electronic Trading Network Market. Research study conducted for GIGA Information Group by Center for Digital Commerce.
- Eseryel, U. Y. (2000). “Integrated Research and Development (R&D) Consortium Model for Turkey.” Glokal Management Magazine, 9-11.
- Eseryel, U. Y., (1999). The Effect of Research and Development on Competitive Advantage of Turkey and Other Countries. IGEME’den Bakis (Sept-Dec 1999, pp.55-56) Ankara, Turkey: Republic of Turkey, Undersecreteriat of Foreign Trade.